Friday, May 22, 2009

Busy Bee

Thursday through Monday of the upcoming week{s} I will be road trippin with Evangeline and Jess to Florida so the next 5.5 days are going to be packed with work, bike races, barbecues, and more work. I'll be trying my hand at making a road-dog diary of the trip. Every local lunatic, radio sing-along, and largest ball of twine along the way will be documented (and hopefully spiced up with enough effusive language to make it worth reading).

If anyone is looking for a cusp-o-summer getaway that promises to be ridiculous and not to break the bank, let me know. The more the merrier.

Oh How I Did Laugh


Someone, someplace thinks this is real and is currently trying to replicate it's faux advice line by line. This is the decline of Western Civilization.

Great minds think for themselves.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


These are our wedding rings we're getting from

They are Mokume Gane rings and I love them. Custom made by Jordanesque these rings will change color slightly over time according to our environment and individual body chemistry, but the pattern will remain the same. I am so excited about these rings and cannot wait to see them. I definitely recommend this shop if you want amazing jewelry custom made by an extremely talented designer.

Thanksgiving (Hold the Stuffing)

Things I am truly thankful for at this moment:

My plants are growing
Bartenura Moscato
Listening to Edith Piaf with just enough sun coming through the window
Jason and Tater's banter
Cali rolls
Our rings are being made right now and will be uh-mazing
The weather is fantastic
Money is tight, but we are doin just fine
I am in love with the greatest person I know

Le Sigh......

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake

I made this red velvet triple berry cake with cream cheese frosting for my Mom for Mother's Day.

Oh hell yes.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday J.G.!!!

Yesterday was John Gassett's 30th birthday and to celebrate, he was forced to do two of those God awful snorted shots of Jameson(Harsh!).

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cinco De Mayo in Dayton

Janelle, Evan, Jason, and I got some Margaritas and Guacamole (There Kevin, I changed it)... This needs to happen once a week.

Now I'm gonna go get some coffee at Pacchia and go to Cincinnati. Just after I make a mixed cd for the road.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

White Wine, Red Wine, Iron Chef, Pop Punk

Not the worst way to spend any evening by any stretch. I gotta git' though....I'm about to miss When Sparks Fly.